OFAGMessage Of Health, Love, Peace.

The dimension of the free mind between sounds and forms, a “transport” through which we find ourselves here.

Real, magnificent, symbolic forms are only achieved by understanding this.

Behind this symbology there are paths, routes of love, effort, and maybe sweat… It represents individual caress and telepathic messages, which have been channeled and interpreted as rays of light, energies of welfare.

Each time this image is captured, a survival reinforcement is derived, a message of health, love, and peace.

Sometimes these symbologies are interpreted as elegant designs of high life standards. However, they also carry modesty, character, and even intriguing aromas.

However, it is necessary to be indispensably cautious and attentive when observing and contributing to other signs, since there are completely opposite sides to what is described here.

Dimensions – 07.02.2023

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