IluminaciónVegworks Graphics (VgWs) Dark Side

Work in process of acceptance and recognition, finding on Internet the best way to work as a team and the collaboration of one or another with us, is a way to establish good and positive connections.

The storms are being described in this space, also surprising issues, many emotions and a little of everything what is happening around VgWs. Emotions are sometimes part of the results, as well as the energy we deposit while something is being created.

We are on the NFT number twenty-one of our NFT-Project. Two different styles. Each of the works is being created under the “same line” and we hope that the series is somewhat broad. Today in this post, there is a sample displayed of the style in which the tokens are being designed.

Individuals we inspire each other and that is how we go through life. Also wrapped in dogmas, happiness, sadness, fear. However, what excites us most is continuing with what we know how to do, being able to serve others with the tools we have learned to use and practice with.

The dark side of VgWs is completely purple. This allows us to express, it is beautiful to see when clouds move at high speeds, because it means chemtrails that pilots spread through airplanes in the atmosphere are being swept away by strong winds. This is sporadic, compared to the artifice certain organisations are applying to humanity, nature, flora and fauna, which it seems they are already making a daily event, because they want to put us all in a quagmire. The air around the houses becomes cloudy, sometimes with strange smells, real clouds disappear. Furthermore there is a sleepy temperament among people.

And your “dark side,” what color is it?

The Dark Side  – 02.10.2023

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