Vegworks GraphicsPresentation acronyms

The transmission of our corporate image has been taking shape over the years, to be more precise, it has been a process of approximately fifteen years and the process has been laborious.

The essential meaning of the acronym VEGWORKS on this site is without a doubt:
Versatile Gentle Works. However, it is also a demonstration in favor of the vegan movement. It depends on how you want to interpret it.

Starting with the shape: Great care has been taken so that most of the edges are round and not pointy. This is because we are interested in transmitting the feeling of confidence, strength, calm, growth, health, transparency.

The colours: It has been a study of several years and in different stages, coming from natural elements, such as the composition of the ocean, in combination with beaches of specific hues, and observations of the firmament. In summary, they have a relationship to the image that you can see at the beginning of the article.

Goal: Having satisfied, conscious clients, allies of a specific “nature” in which the energy emanated and verbal development is mostly or entirely positive perceptible.

Origin: It is necessary to emphasise that for the realisation of a corporate image like this, there is a fairly structured, disciplined, orderly background, even by inheritance of generations of an artistic family nature. There is a series of artistic studies and analysis, practical experiences in manual arts, modelling techniques, printing, color and materials studies, both theoretical and real shots and practices in nature.
This is partly independent of the common schools and methodologies that most globalist societies accustom us to.
It has not been easy, since to achieve it, it has gone through quite difficult stages, including several of them due to having experienced stages with low financial resources.
Obviously and in second priority, we have the “common” Curriculum that most of the people know and can structure for the presentation or for the job application.

The initials of the corporate image of the company are being gradually updated on social networks.

In addition to English, occasionally we will integrate publications in Spanish and German, since a large part of our public communicates in these languages.

We invite you to stay tuned for upcoming publications. Or contact us if you think we can be useful to you.

Update of September 05, 2023:
August 23, 2023 was a decisive day to continue the evolution of Vegworks Graphics logo. The result is the image that accompanies this post.
If you want to know more about it, I invite you to visit the Behance website, where there is a more detailed description of the current meaning of the logo, as well as several images showing its development.

The Identity – 07.02.2023

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