Handout Vunding

Did you know this about Veganism…?

From 2010 until today, Veganism experienced a remarkable surge in growth, expanding from approximately 0.6% to over 2% of the human population of the earth.

The number of individuals advocating for animal liberation has reached an all-time high. Moreover, conscious and peaceful lifestyles are regaining popularity, as they rightly should.

Are those 2% enough, though? I say NO!

I wish for all animals to experience the same freedom we humans enjoy today. Our endeavour is to co-create a world reigned by peace and love for all beings.

Envision a future in 2030 where over 4 billion people have fully embraced a vegan lifestyle!

We’d look back at a time when eating animals and consuming animal products was considered a norm. And we’d reflect on a tremendous shift toward more compassionate and sustainable ways of living.

As an advocate for animal rights and a healthy planet Earth, I was thrilled to start working with Jun Fuchs, who is currently developing a platform, designed to inspire over 50% of humans on planet Earth to go Vegan.

The training portal is called The Vreedom! Quest, and after our launch in January 2024, includes courses that…

EQUIP VEGANS worldwide with the tools to maintain a healthy mind and high levels of emotional resilience, so that they can vibrate higher and become/stay active long term.

TEACH VEGANS how to leverage their unique talents and skills to amplify their impact and develop effective strategies that foster the growth of our Vegan movement.

TRAIN VEGANS to speak with confidence, courage, and charisma on social media, in group settings, whilst at outreach events, or on stages in front of an audience.

PROVIDE VEGANS with an irresistible community and momentum, so that they feel supported and empowered, instead of isolated, hopeless, and lonely.

Currently, the curriculums for our upcoming courses are being developed and tested. Also the social media and marketing strategies are being written, and our tech team is busy creating the backend of the platform.

We need more help to make it happen though! You can either support us as a ”Visionary Vunder”, or share the campaign in your network…

Please have a look at our “Crowd! Vunding” campaign here: www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-vreedom-quest

To learn more, visit www.thevreedomquest.com

The Vreedom! Quest – 01.06.2023

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